A "brave" Online AA Group!

A courageous step toward reclaiming your life and embarking on the path to recovery... together!

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

Meeting Times & Codes
Meeting Times & Code
Our regular meetings where you can share your experiences, listen to others' stories, and learn from our collective wisdom. These gatherings are the backbone of our community and remember, your presence and participation matter! 

Your story has the power to inspire and encourage others on their own path to recover.

Meeting Times

7 days a week at 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Sunday -  Big Book Study      and  7:00pm to 8:00pm Chairs Choice

Monday -  Chair’s Choice

Tuesday - Steps

Wednesday - Traditions

Thursday - Chair’s Choice

Friday - Chair’s Choice

Saturday - Chair’s Choice

Simple click the following link and you will be automatically signed into the meeting.  The password is embedded in the link so you do not have to enter it.

Recovery 1st Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5266658796?pwd=citGRHFFSzQ1VlVCUldDRG00M1BpQT09 


Enter the Zoom code and password manually in your Zoom Account

Zoom Code:  526 665 8796

Password: recovery

AA Resources & LinksInvaluable resources, tools and literature to support your recovery journey! Together, using the tools, we can overcome our shared challenges and build a life filled with hope, sobriety, and fulfillment in a safe and loving environment.

In addition to our meetings, AA offers a range of resources and tools to support your journey. 

Our literature, such as the Big Book, the 12 and 12, and Living Sober   provides invaluable guidance and insight into the process of recovery.  

Alcoholics Anonymous in Manitoba (Area 80) also offers great resources such as Find a Meeting in Manitoba, Literature and Events.

We also have mentors and sponsors who can offer one-on-one guidance and support, and I encourage you to reach out if you would like to be connected with someone who can help.

Please remember that anonymity is a vital aspect of our program. We respect your privacy and the confidentiality of your participation in AA. What is shared within our fellowship stays within our fellowship. Your identity and story are safe with us.

The  AA Service Manual  opens with history of A.A. services, then explains the General Service Conference structure and its year-round importance. Chapters cover the roles of GSRs, DCMs, delegates, directors and trustees, as well as what happens at GSO and Grapevine. The Twelve Concepts for World Service, written by A.A. co-founder Bill W., are an interpretation of A.A.’s world service structure as it emerged through A.A.’s early history and experience.

Is drinking getting the better of you?  There is hope.

Contact our Manitoba Central Office at 204-942-0126 (Winnipeg), 1-877-942-0126 (Toll-free), by email at aambco@mts.net, or call our Brandon Intergroup at 204-571-3684. Or search our meeting list to find a meeting near you, or an online meeting in Manitoba at https://aamanitoba.org/meetings.  

Online Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous has over 6600 online AA meetings listed weekly, and all come up in your time zone. If you are not sure you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend "Open Meetings". If you know that you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend any meeting. Each group has a name and a description of their type of meeting.  Please visit  Online Intergroup Alcoholics Anonymous https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/

“Get Help Now “ on the Online Intergroup IAA web site that has a link to the Steppers Committee, who provides 12 Step work through email. An average of over two Steppers reply to each call for help. Get Help Now at  https://aa-intergroup.org/link-your-group/ .

Announcements & Events
Stay tuned for announcements that range from Membership...to Celebrations... to Committee Service positionsAlways something good going on here to help carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic!

Group Conscience Meeting

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:00am, we hold our Group Conscience Meeting.  We'd love to see you there...your voice is very important to the fellowship. Time permitting, the regular scheduled meeting will resume afterwards.  

Please send any discussion items or motions to recoveryaagrp@gmail.com by the previous day.   

Birthday Wednesday

Every last Wednesday of the month we celebrate sobriety milestones at Recovery 1st.  

If you are celebrating a birthday in the month, please contact Phil B. 204 794-6700 or recovery1stbirthday@gmail.com.

AA Manitoba Events

Check out the AA Manitoba events calendar


Lots of exciting events are coming up this fall.


If you are interested in becoming a voting member of Recovery 1st and receive announcements & meeting minutes, please simply send an email with your sobriety date, name and email address to: recovery1aagrp@gmail.com


For your own safety, please don’t share your phone number or email address with everyone in the general chat.  Rather, if you send it, send it as a private message.

For your own protection, here is the link to the AA safety card: https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/literature/f-211_en_0422.pdf 


Any person seeking help with a drinking problem is welcome at this group. No A.A. entity determines an individual’s membership in Alcoholics Anonymous. It is this group’s conscience that if any person endangers another individual or disrupts the group’s efforts to carry A.A. message, the group may ask that person to leave the meeting.

This group strives to safeguard the anonymity of A.A. members and attendees; however, keep in mind that anonymity in A.A. is not a cloak for unsafe and illegal behavior. Addressing such behavior and/or contacting the proper authorities when appropriate, does not go against any A.A. Traditions and is meant to ensure the safety of all in attendance.


If you are willing to sponsor, or be a temporary sponsor please add an asterisk * = available to sponsor or  t* = temporary sponsor, in front of your name. 

Anyone looking for a sponsor, feel free to reach out to folks who indicate they are open to sponsoring. 

If you have any questions about Sponsorship ask a Recovery 1st member or check out this pamphlet Questions and Answers on Sponsorship:


Service Announcements

Service announcements will be updated regularly.   Please check out our announcements and other documents in our google docs online at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1086iD6iCfqxUXw6xXoG-3QPHU6KSG-bYIk9Oqo32yA4/edit 

Tradition 7
“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”  
This means that only A.A. members contribute financially to A.A. – and even A.A. members are limited in the amount they can contribute. 
This keeps A.A. free of outside influences that might divert us from our primary purpose — to help the alcoholic who still suffers. 

We are self-supporting through our own contributions. Please contribute to Email address:  recovery1stcontributions@gmail.com   via e-transfer or via PayPal using the following link:  PayPal.Me/Recovery1st7thTrad