Chair Schedule & Script
Chairing a Meeting
Why is this important and what is my Role.
The purpose of all AA group meetings is for AA members to share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Recovery 1st meeting chairperson represent the group in facilitating this process and are on the frontline toward fulfilling the 5th tradition which states:
"Each group has but one primary purpose; to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers."
While the meeting chairperson holds a primary leadership role during recovery meetings it remains the responsibility of the group as a whole and each individual member attending the meeting to assure a positive message of hope and recovery develops from our meeting structure.
Please see the Chair Script for instructions and meeting format.
Calendars schedules are available with slots for each meeting daily for every month under Chair Schedule. Please reach out to the Scheduling Rep if you'd like to Chair a meeting
If a situation arises that prohibits a chairperson from being available for a committed meeting they are responsible for providing a substitute to fill the slot.
Regular rotation of chairperson for each meeting slot is suggested to create service opportunities for a greater number of individual members and to allow for a variation of perspective.